The Best Podcasts for UX Folks
I have a confession to make:
I’m a podcast junkie.
It’s true. I love podcasts to an almost unhealthy degree. I’ve experienced that “driveway moment” (when you don’t want to get out of the car until you finish the podcast episode) too many times.
(Oddly, when I tell non-podcast people that I love podcasts, they ask the same question: “When do you listen to them?” To which I always answer: “When I’m driving or doing housework.” Obvious, no?)
Anyway, I recently came across a request on Slack for the best UX podcasts. So here’s a list of the best podcasts I know of, with an emphasis on podcasts about content design, UX writing, and usability research.
Awkward Silences by User Interviews. Focused on UX research, this podcast has possibly the best title ever.
Cautionary Tales by Tim Harford. Don’t be put off by the fact that it’s not, strictly speaking, a UX podcast. Tim talks about “mistakes and what we should learn from them” by telling memorable and educational stories.
Cognitive Bias Podcast by David Dylan Thomas. We’re all subject to cognitive biases, so we should be aware of them. Will that help us avoid them in the future? Maybe, maybe not. Either way, Dave makes learning about them fun.
Content Strategy Insights by Larry Swanson. Larry knows everyone in UX content. His podcast features fascinating guests and incisive questions.
Content Strategy Podcast by Kristina Halvorson. Super-insightful interviews with experts in UX content. You might end up listening to some episodes multiple times.
Efficiently Effective by Saskia Videler. Although this podcast hasn’t been updated lately, Saskia’s interviews with UX content pros hold evergreen bits of wisdom.
UX Tea Break (video) by David Travis. David’s a true guru who can make any UX research topic (even technical ones like eyetracking) interesting and understandable.
What’s Wrong with UX? by Laura Klein and Kate Rutter. I’m a little biased because I work with Laura, but her conversations with Kate are hilarious and enlightening.
Do you have a favorite UX-related podcast? Comment and let me know!